Saturday, May 16, 2009

LIFT Big To GET Big? Really?

Coming up tomorrow: "Skinny Fat Guy Syndrome"...and the WRONG way to gain weight!

Leave a comment below please............


Anonymous said...

How do you know if your a hardgainer ? Dont you think you would be a little too spent to do the isolation exercises after the compound movements do to the fact that hardgainers have a limited recovery ability.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, im gonna try and chuck a few things out here that might be good to address for potential customers.
quite a few guys work out at home, is it possible to do you exercises with say a basic home gym of a bench squat rack and some weights(ie: no pulley equipment etc)?
you said hard gainers dont recover too well, so im guessing it wont be a workout 4-5 days a week program?
im pretty sure im what you would consider your skinny fat guy, skinny arms legs etc but i have a belly about 13% BF, will your hardgainer book adress issues people like me have?
i have tried alot of programs out there and i have put on muscle but no where near the amount other guys i know have, at one point i even highere a personal trainer to make sure i was putting in enough effort into my programs, working hard isnt a problem, im really hoping your product is affordable and will actually help me get more than the pathetic muscle gains ive been getting.

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to this program Jeff. I've been trying to get as big as possible since I was 17. I'm 23 now and have tried everything under the sun (except steroids) to achieve this and I've gained an okay amount of muscle, but I'm not what you would call "buff" and I'm not busting out of my t-shirt. I've been dedicated to training hard and smart for 6 years and I can say without shame of it being an excuse that I am a HARDGAINER! I have more mass than the guys you have in there "before" pictures, but I've been training for 6 years and I feel like I deserve to be much bigger for all the hard work I've put in, but muscle just seems to come extremely slowly if at all sometimes. Will this program work for someone who has been training for some years yet can't get the t-shirt ripping muscles that he dreams of? Thanks.
It's nice to hear someone acknowledge that some of us train, eat, and use recovery methods like the best of them and still have a very hard time growing.

Unknown said...

hello jeff i'm a student of 18 years.i think that i'm a hardgainer and i agree with you on all points but my mom says that there is nothing like a's my hard mental work that makes me so. what would you say about that.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff..Hargainers Are One Thing..But I Am Much Worse..I Am An Ectomorph And I Also Have Short Biceps.Like The Shortest Biceps.That Is Not Even An Average Biceps Like The Majority Has.I Feel That The Traditional Barbell Curl Doesnt Really Packs Mass On The Arms.What Exercise Do You Suggest For A Guy Who Has Short Biceps ?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, I'm an ectomorph I've been trying for 10 years to get bigger, I can get well ripped but not big, I have always assumed my arms are as big as they'll ever get, tried evrything out there that works for regular guys, but it doesn't work for me.
Looking forward to your new programme

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, Is this going to be any different than the Hardgainer Project X program I received in November?

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Jeff, for me here in France, its not easy to understand all, but i understand ectomorph, mesomorph, type 1 & 2 muscular fibers, ok reading is better than american speaking, good luck

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff
I'm looking forward to more info on How lower weighs can enable you to get Big.
Im a 67 year old getting back into lifting after many years of laying off (been lifting again for about 10 months).
Will this program help me achieve my muscular goals?

Mikael said...

Hi Jeff.

What you really want to do is put together a program where people don't have to go to failure. Not in any set. Not even in the last one. Never ever. As far as I understand there is NOT ONE SINGLE program offering that.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Jeff,
I really enjoy watching your videos, and taking in the vast amounts of information that you provide. You are completely right about different types of training for different body types. There seems to be so much misleading information on the Internet, and new "breakthrough" bodybuilding programs seem to be sprouting up overnight. It is no wonder why so many people are not making the gains they are capable of: They are fed the wrong information! I saw before pictures of your 4 "test subjects" and are looking forward to seeing their transformation when the program launches on Tuesday. I continuously support all of your information you give and look forward to seeing what you new program has to offer.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,

I just wondered, you say that hard gainers have predominantly slow twitch muscle fibres, however virtually all of my ectomorph friends are very fast (a movement requiring lots of fast twitch muscle fibres and an "explosive" CNS). Could you please explain how this is please?


Jeff Anderson said...

Hey Everyone...Jeff here!

GREAT COMMENTS and thanks for keeping the conversation going!

To answer a few questions...

1. How do you know you're a "hardgainer"? There are several attributes common to ectomorphs. Some of which are small bone structure (especially wrists and ankles); potential restlessness and problems sleeping; inability to maintain muscle mass (even after gaining it and continuing to train), natural low levels of body fat without having to watch nutrient intake; and so on... Basically, if you look in the mirror and despite all your training and hard work STILL look "formless", then you're probably a hardgainer.

2. How many days a week should hardgainers train? The HPX program uses a 3 day workout week structure at its core to allow for sufficient recovery. If someone likes to workout more than 3 days a week, there is a specific training schedule that allows you to do that, but for muscle targeting, 3 days works best.

3. "Fast ectomorphs" using fast twitch muscles? Ectomorphs DO have "fast twitch" fibers so of course they CAN run fast...but nowhere NEAR as fast as mesomorphs with a higher ratio of type 2's. This is why you'll never see a guy with a "marathon" body running next to the guys with the big legs in the 100m dash in the olympics. Your friends may be fast...but if equally trained as a mesomorph, will never beat them to the finish line.

Keep the comments coming y'all!


Anonymous said...

hey jeff it would be really good if you could answer the question about what kind of gym equipment you need. thanks

nathan said...

hey jeff,

cool blog. could you write an article on what muscles are fast and slow twitch. i'm never sure how to train certain muscles to gain mass. heavy weights low reps, high reps low weight, high reps high weight.

Anonymous said...

how do you train fast twitch muscles and how do you train slow twitch muscles?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff

I must agree with you. This whole lift big to get big seems ridiculous to me, I mean when I read these comments like that on forums I cant understand how these people think. I'm 146.5lbs, 5foot9inches and 24 years old and I cant squat 80lbs without hurting my back, I struggle to bench 70lbs but what the hell am I supposed to do? If I dont have the strength then I cant lift the weights. That comment you mentioned 404lbs squat, thats absolutly riduculous for someone like me, if I tried that I'd do some serious damage. Each individual can only lift what there body allows no matter how hard I try.

Jose said...

Jeff, I'm a 17 year old high school football player. If it wasnt for my speed, I could not compete. I am 5' 10'' 145lbs, and my coaches workouts are working, but not as fast as the other guys. Im interested in your program, because I'm lookin to pack on about 15lbs by september if possible. If I use your program, will I gain my 15lbs by september, and will it compromise my speed in any way?