Who would have ever thought that a male enhancement device could be used to increase the size of your BICEPS?
Now wait...
Before you go ordering your own model and trying to slap it on your arms and start pumping away (at least that's how I THINK it works...I really wouldn't know...really...seriously...) let me explain how this CONCEPT works...
Supposedly (again, I really wouldn't know), the Swedish "pump" enlarges a man's penis by expanding the blood chambers that fill up during an erection.
The bigger the chambers, the bigger your erection, right?
Well, the same thing goes for your MUSCLES because as you train with HIGH VOLUME sets, your muscles fill up with blood and other fluids and this leaves you with the treasured "pump" feeling that we all love so much.
Although "some" experts preach that the pump DOESN'T actually build muscle, the fact is that it DOES increase size the same way that the Swedish Pump does (though I can't attest that it does really).
So here's a COOL TRICK I've discovered that will crank the pump factor up a few extra notches...
Bicep Training Tip For A Bigger Pump:
1. First, you want to hit your arms with a few sets of HIGH VOLUME reps.
We're talking around 12-15, but if you're using my Advanced Mass Building program, this technique is PERFECT for Weeks 1 and 3 of your 4-week cycle!
2. IMMEDIATELY after you're done with your last "pump" set for your arms, head on over to the treadmill and jump on! Don't even waste time going to get a drink at the fountain or chat with the red-headed pilates instructor! Time is of the essence!
3. Begin jogging at a moderate pace (you don't need to sprint).
4. Within about 20-30 seconds, all that increased blood flow that's hitting your already pumped up muscles will start to stretch your veins and arteries and it will feel like your muscles are about ready to explode all over the gym floor!
5. Keep it up for about 5-10 minutes and you'll have greatly increased your size potential for your arms...and you'll actually FEEL that this is true!
cool. I think I'll try this too. (um, the treadmill thing, not the penis pump thing!! LOL)
Cool Tip. Have to try it. Beats ODing on Enzyte or something.
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