Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Skinny Fat Guy" Syndrome? Believe It!

Are you a guy with small bone structure and excess body fat?

Guess what...YOU area a "skinny fat guy"! And here's what you can do about it...

And don't forget to LEAVE A COMMENT by clicking the "Comment" button below!

You guys are giving GREAT feedback and I want to hear about your experiences.


Jordan said...

Jeff I was wondering if I can trade Advanced MAss building for Hardgainer Project X because I am not really seeing gains from the porgram and I finally know know that I am a ectomorph instead of a endomorph. I have the skinny fat guy syndrome

Milt said...

Hello Jeff,

I have a lot on my chest...and not much of it is muscle. I have beeen buying the magazines, supplements and been off and on with my gym memberships for 30 years. I'm now 68 years old, and still have my forever desire to be muscular and ripped. Married for 37 years with 6 children and 15 grandchildren, I'm not looking to woo anyone; mine is a personal quest.

Having said that, I am on the slippery slope of disappearing testosterone and the natural energy, endurance and recovery that affords younger people.

I have come to your webstite via Todd Scott's internet referral. I got to Todd through a referral from Arnel Ricafranca's site. You are all tremendous teachers and motivators. I am looking forward to the release of your material tomorrow. I believe you have a key to my success which I can apply.

Thank you for making it available on the internet. I, too, must be a hard gainer as I've never achieved success. I'm not overweight nor in poor health. I simply want the strength, enduarnce and "great looks" I envision!!!

Best regards,
Aging Well

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,

There was an error to view your video (yes I've tried it many times).

Any way about the hard gainers 7 limitations which I have read - this is something new in compare to what other expert's. Very revealings, very distict depth of muscles theory. Hence, very interesting piece of information. I think there is definately such a thing as "Hard Gainers" How else can one explain for example the skinny oil well worker and his muscle co-worker both eat the same thing but both have the ability to do the same work.


Anonymous said...

As always, great information Jeff.

Iain said...

Hey Jeff, great information just like usual. I am a true reader of your e-mails and find all of them interesting.

I feel I a turning into this "skinny fat guy" lately as I must be honest, lately my diet has sucked, late meals, alcohol, no fruit :( it aint good, and I am starting to notice my belly is getting flabby :( I never use to be like this, It was always firm and toned.

Any quick tips on getting rid of this low level of flabbyness ?

Thankfuly since I am 6ft 2 you cannot notice it at all but I notice it personally :(

Cheers, Iain

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeff looking forward the 19th to see what you've got for us. One questions I hope you can answer:
1. Can a former fat guy be a skinny fat ectomorph? I used to be fat and and since losing all the weight I've been struggling for the past 2 years to gain any muscle. I've still got a bit of a fat abdomen but I'm 5foot9inchs, 146.5lbs and 24 years old male. I've tried loads of things when I drastically overeat the only weight I gain is mainly fat, if I do gain muscle I seem to lose it becuase I'll end up cutting to help reduce my waist and the cycle continues endlessly.
I have a very flat chest and very bony shoulders and nothing I do seems to help.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeff, just like to give you my thoughts after watching the video,
I'm currently on a anobolic style diet and agree that at the moment it seems good for cutting body fat. The problem is I'm just under 150lbs, 24 years old and 5 foot 9. Would you say I should be looking to bulk not cut? To look at me you wuldn't think I workout, I mean my brother never works out and he weighs and looks very similar to me. I might as well stop, Okay I have slightly more definition but other than that I have nothing to show for my efforts, I feel I need to cut as my belly hangs over my jeans but if I was to post pics on these forums you talk of I can imagine them saying something along the lines of 'mate, you ever seen a fridge?, go get some food and lift some weights' the thing they dont realise is I've tried lifting weight, I tried eating over 5000 cals a day and I've got plenty of sleep but the end result is a bigger stomach and thin everything else. It's so frustrating I really cant wait until tommorow.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Jeff,

Is there anyway I could show you pictures of upper body and you could give me some feedback on what you think?
It would be better to actually have your feedback than what you get on some forums.


Jimbo said...

It will be interesting to see what you have in store for us on the 19th. Many people say diet is key but I've never felt that the amount of protein or even calories dictated by "experts" are realistic. I train at a gym where some big time, name bodybuilders work out, and I've seen them eat, what they do, etc. They do not have the massive caloric intake that is claimed. They aren't walking around eating 6000 calories per day. Even the natural competitors - for the most part - aren't really ramming down the piles of food that so many people claim are necessary to gain. Think about how much muscle an easy gainer can acquire per week or month, and then look at what their maintenance intake would have to be, and what would be needed to augment that to have enough surplus calories etc to allow growth. Only a small number of extra calories are needed.

I'm convinced it, muscle gain, has more to do with neurological efficiency, muscle tissue make-up, enzyme release, etc than caloric intake.

Jeff said...

I agree with Jimbo to a point.

Hard gainers do need more recovery, but I don't think once a week workouts for each muscle group are the answer. If I wait a week between workouts I start to shrink, no lie. I gain very slowly but it seems as if twice a week hits for each muscle keep it growing or at least hold on to what size I have. Once a week works if you're the easy gain type or on drugs.

Anyone else find they start shrinking if they for example take a week between chest workouts?

Nicolás said...

Hi there Jeff.
Interesting that you go after the ectomorph to help them out. Good for you and them.
We know there is not a pure body type. So, how about doing a campain for other kind of body type, specially those that tend to be in the middle, between two types of body characteristics?. Also, body types tend to change with age and other factors. It would be interesting to guide readers and viewers as to distinguish the body type they have and how to take advantage of it while eating and training. Some body types are better for some functions than others, so lets set goals that are realistic and lets try to do what nature help us to do better.
By the way, keep the good humour in your e-mails!

hector said...

Im skinny fat. im currently cutting at 2600 calories with cardio 4-5days aweek 30mins of course with weight training. However if i increase my cals i get fat. currently in this picture im 191 lbs and im 5'10 (21yr)heres my picture

hector said...

i also agree with the muscle shrinking part after if i wait a week or more they have already shrunk. i prefer every 5days.

some dude said...

i was skinny fat then MMA atyle training and diet ripped me to shreds.

simply put hormones dont like our body

good info