Tuesday, September 01, 2009

How To Lose Weight While Eating Anything You Want!

Tired of diets that limit what you eat?

Want to give the finger to all of those "experts" who tell you you can't eat chocolate cake and ice cream and STILL have the body of your dreams?

Well the solution has FINALLY arrived!

My friend, Rob Poulos, of www.FatBurningFurnace.com, just sent me this scientific research project that allows ANYONE to eat ANYTHING they want (no kidding!)...

...and still drop the pounds!

Have a great day! ;-)

Monday, July 27, 2009

3 Natural Supplements For All Day Energy (Plus A Kick-Ass Workout)!

Having a hard time jump starting your workout?

Does the boss find you bent over your desk, short circuiting your keyboard with drool as you snooze away?

Do you toss and turn all night, watching the clock, thinking about how dead dog tired you're going to be the next day?

Well, you don't have to live on intravenous coffee every waking moment to get through the day.

Here are 3 natural supplements that can help you keep your energy levels HIGH for every stage of your day.

Energy Supplement For Your Workout:

Everyone who has attended my online training sessions knows that I'm a HUGE fan of CAFFEINE!

In my opinion, java's been given a bad wrap as an energy supplement.

For example, did you know that a cup of coffee has way more anti-oxidants than even a cup of blueberries?

And the pick-me-up you get from a quick dose is GREAT for right before your workout to help you train HARDER and LONGER as it reduces fatigue and kicks up intensity.

This is why I include it in my "During Workout Power Potion" in my program on "How To Make Your Own Supplements" at www.MakeYourOwnSupplements.com.

For those who don't have my "secret recipe", you can try adding just 200mg to a cup of coffee on the way to your workout and it will hit you by the time you hit the gym floor!

Energy Supplement For Your Afternoon:

Who doesn't get the "post-lunch" Z-monster?

It helps not to eat a heavy lunch that's going to cause you to crash (ward off the schmoe coming around for McDonald's orders with a ring of garlic posted outside your cubicle)!

But you can also sip a few glasses of iced GREEN TEA in the afternoon for increased energy AND fat-burning!

As an alternative, you can consume about 400mg EGCG Green Tea Extract capsules or open them up and put them in ice water for "instant green tea" chock full of anti-oxidants and energy!

Supplement To Help You Sleep Better:

When it comes to having all day energy, getting enough SLEEP in the first place is HUGE!

But so many people have trouble sleeping these days (stress...stimulants...Playstation 3!).

Try supplementing with 3mg of MELATONIN about 30 minutes before bed.

Our natural stores of this hormone decrease beginning in our mid 20's and maintaining a balance through natural supplementation will help you get to sleep faster and sleep deeper while waking up more rested!

In fact, balancing this hormone is so crucial to not only energy production, but also FAT LOSS, that I include it in my "Hormone Section" of my natural fat loss program, "Combat The Fat" at www.CombatTheFat.com.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Suffer From Back Pain? Eat This...

Lower back pain SUCKS, doesn't it?

One minute you're brushing your teeth and then as you bend over to spit and you feel that familiar excruciating pain shoot through your lower back like a red hot poker!

10 years of humping a ruck in the Army has shot my back all to hell and one wrong move sometimes can mean the difference between heading to the gym...

...or heading to the DOCTOR!

But recently I've been doing all I can to not just "treat" back pain...but PREVENT IT!

One of the things I'VE discovered is the power of FOOD in getting rid of my back pain.

I never really realized that what I EAT can make a difference in how my back feels on a daily basis.

Here's just ONE EXAMPLE of...

A "SUPER FOOD" That Eliminates Back Pain...

Pain in your back (it's MY lower back that I have problems with) is aggravated by inflammation of the joints.

I recently read a book called Back Pain Diet Secrets (www.BackPainDietSecrets.com) that shows step-by-step how you can actually CURE back pain just by eliminating certain foods from your diet while adding a few others.

For example...

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega 3's REDUCE inflammation and since problems like bulged discs (my L4-L5 are toast!) cause the body to naturally respond with inflammation, adding more salmon to your diet will help to relieve the back pain.

I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of the taste of salmon.

So I normally take fish oil capsules instead to get my omega-3's.

But I ran out a few months back and just forgot to order them (week after week!)

I started taking them again and within just a week or so, I was no longer twisted like a pretzel getting out of bed in the morning.

Now, I've been doing some other things as well, like stretching more and keeping up with my cardio, but if long-term relief is what you're looking for, then you absolutely MUST make a few tweaks with your diet.

So if you have a "bad back", here's what I want you to do...

1. Either add more SALMON (or other fish high in omega 3's) to your diet - like twice a week; or

2. Take one fish oil capsule 3 times a day with meals.


3. Go check out the "Back Pain Diet Secrets" book at www.BackPainDietSecrets.com
I've checked it out and while it's a short read, it will absolutely work at getting rid of your back pain.

I'm living proof of that!